A good touristic destination is one that respects nature and preserves heritage. The Aldeias Históricas de Portugal will be the first Portuguese destination to receive the Biosphere Destination certificate. A title recognized by UNESCO and assigned by the Responsible Tourism Office.
How often have we returned disenchanted from a destination that we had dream of visiting for so long only to find it uncared for and uncharacterized? Unfortunately, globalization has made some of our favorite holiday destinations look too similar and, also, somewhat mistreated because of tourism. Fortunatelly, there are exceptions such as Aldeias Históricas de Portugal…
At the Aldeias Históricas de Portugal, preserving nature and heritage is a priority. Here, sustained growth and preservation of the locals’ lifestyle comes in first place, ensuring that each one of the 12 Historical Villages of Portugal remains practically immaculate, regarding nature and History. After all, it would not be possible to offer an authentic experience to visitors to the historical villages if the traditions and customs of their people weren’t maintained and each of their monuments and buildings preserved.
It is such that the group of 12 Historical Villages of Portugal are in the certification process as a Biosphere Destination, a title recognized by UNESCO and attributed by the Institute of Responsible Tourism. The Historical Villages will be the first Portuguese destination to receive the honor.
Almeida, Belmonte, Castelo Mendo, Castelo Novo, Castelo Rodrigo, Idanha-a-Velha, Linhares da Beira, Marialva, Monsanto, Piódão, Sortelha, and Trancoso, the 12 villages that compose the network of Historical Villages of Portugal, fight the effects of time’s passage and desertification, investing in its endogenous resources and in local economic and touristic development. That’s what makes this destination that is in fact 12 so special. And that’s why whoever visits the Historical Villages of Portugal falls hopelessly in love: entering these places is like traveling through time, where the walls, castles, flavors, arts, and crafts of the historical villages tell the most incredible stories of our country’s origins.
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